Why Golang/Go is so awesome

I have been working with Go for quite some time now and know more about it. My initial thoughts about it were accurate, I think with some variations. Go really can do almost everything.

It can be run like any interpreted language for development and compiled for production

This is something I love about Go a lot. You can run any Go code by just typing:

go run someFile.go

And, you can compile your whole app into a binary, copy that binary to a production server and just run it. No dependencies needed. If you have assets that your app reads (like images, etc) , they can be compiled into the binary as well! This gives a whole new meaning to portability (at least for me).

It supports parallelism and concurrency

With Go routines, you can run multiple things at the same time (assuming you have a multi-core CPU). Go takes care of splitting your routines into multiple-threads and all the house-keeping chores that come along with it. It is, by far, the best multi-threaded language I have come across.

Many developers think Node supports parallelism but it doesn’t. Node is a great language for its asynchronous model but it executes only 1 thread at a time. Most scripting languages that I know of (Ruby, Python, etc) have this issue. They have a global interpreter lock, which makes sure only one thread executes at a time. So, they are concurrent but do not support parallelism (running multiple things at the same time).

Since, web servers spawns multiple processes for processing multiple HTTP requests, you don’t generally notice the bottleneck.

It has a unit testing framework in its standard library

It’s the first language, I’ve seen doing this. No need to install external libraries. The testing framework (in a package called “testing”) is very performant. It also lets you run benchmark tests and example code for generating documentation.

It has support for GUIs apps

There are a bunch of libraries in Go that will let you write native applications for Windows, Mac, etc. Go has bindings for GTK, QML, etc. Some Go libraries will even let you write hybrid apps (for desktop applications – will talk about mobile later).The content in these native UIs can be done using HTML/CSS. I tried this for a proof-of-concept app that generates configuration for a proprietary ETL tool at my work and it is so easy to do! The library I used was : https://github.com/murlokswarm/app

It has support for writing web services and web applications

Go, with it’s standard library has a templating engine built-in. And, it is very performant. No need to worry about which library to use for templating, etc. You can, with a few lines of code, create a web service!

There are quite a few features that make Go a great language to work with. I hope it proliferates the IT market so much that more companies ask for Go as a main requirement for jobs (and not just a nice-to-have).






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