Author: admin

  • Sunlit Garden

    I have been painting landscapes mostly so I wanted to try something different this time. Another reason I wanted to do this painting is to experiment with sunlight (and little details like the gate) change how the viewer feels when he/she looks at the painting. Thankfully, my experiment was successful. Here is the painting: I…

  • PHPSpec: Mocking methods of the object being tested

    PHPSpec is very opinionated and won’t let you mock anything of an object being tested. It helps you write better code. This, however, causes issues when you are writing specs for legacy code which (usually) was not well designed. There is a way you can get around this limitation – a child class. Let’s say…

  • A second look at MariaDB

    After my last post on MariaDB, I installed it and played around with it. It really is a project that was forked from MySQL some time ago since MySQL is increasingly becoming closed source. There is another fork of MySQL called Drizzle, which claims that they have made the database faster by removing chunks from…

  • Zend Server and Zend Studio9

    If you have Zend Server installed and you have an instance of MySQL that didn’t come with Zend Server, then Zend Studio will try to connect to the one that came with Zend Server. I discovered this the hard way when my PHPUnit tests kept failing in Zend Studio but ran perfectly from the command…