Google voice

Yes, people. It’s out. At least for the test phase Google didn’t really keep it a secret that it wants to get into the telecom industry. And, we all know that when Google does something, it changes everything! 🙂

Google voice is an application that runs on your phone and PC. Google will assign you a phone number. If anyone calls that number, your phone receives the call. You can check your voicemail on the phone or your PC. You can even read transcripts of your voicemail (speech to text). Another great thing about Google voice is that it lets you select which phone should ring when someone calls. For now, you have to get an invite to be able to use Google voice (please send me an invite if you have any left :)). However, that will hopefully change in the future.

What does it mean for us as consumers? Hopefully a change in the way telecom industry operates and cheaper prices (a big shout out to MetroPCS for cheap cell phone service). There is one concern, though. Google owns an email service, a video service, online albums, and now phones. Can this lead to the “big brother” concept where “they” watch everything we do? Gmail scans through your email to show you relevant ads.  Google states that no human being goes through them but how can we be sure? I know the whole privacy thing is an issue of its own. I would like to hear your (the reader’s) thoughts on this. Please leave comments and let me know what you think 🙂





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