Month: February 2012

  • Code Assist in Zend Studio (eclipse based)

    Have you noticed there is a delay autocomplete suggestions when you type in a variable name or a function name? My typing speed is decent and I found the code assist delay to be too much. By the time Zend Studio was ready to show me the suggestions, I had already typed the variable name.…

  • Importing a CSV file into a table in MySQL

    Here’s how you would import data into MySQL using a query /* If the CSV file was created in Windows, then replace ‘\n’ with ‘\r\n’ */ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘/path/to/csv_file.csv’ INTO TABLE `table_name` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY “\”” LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\n’ (field1, field2, field3);

  • Cool things you can do with MySQL

    Run a query from command line # Use the -e flag shell>mysql -e “select * from table” Tell MySQL to output the results of a query in HTML or XML # On command line you would write the following to # tell MySQL to output the results in HTML format shell>mysql -e “select * from…

  • Tips for a Speedy Zend Studio

    I found a good article on how to speed up your Zend Studio (eclipse based) on Zend’s website. Hopefully everyone else will find it as helpful as I found it to be:

  • Zend Server and Zend Studio9

    If you have Zend Server installed and you have an instance of MySQL that didn’t come with Zend Server, then Zend Studio will try to connect to the one that came with Zend Server. I discovered this the hard way when my PHPUnit tests kept failing in Zend Studio but ran perfectly from the command…